Deepen your intimacy with God's Word and Increase your capacity to live a fuller Christian life.
The Lectio Divina Introductory Workshop teaches the method of Lectio Divina as a way to pray the sacred scriptures. It presents a Christian tradition of prayer that through reading, reflecting, responding and resting in the Word of God, one’s relationship with God is nourished and deepens. The workshop consists of presentations that focus on the following:
This day is filled with a variety of experiences of Lectio Divina. Schedule: 9:30 - Registration and Snacks available 10:00 - Opening Welcome, Prayer and Introductions 10:15 - Conference I - Lectio Divina and It's Historical Developments 10:45 - Conference II - Lectio and Meditatio with Experiences of each Moment 11:20 - Break 11:35- Conference III - Oratio and Comtemplatio with Experiences of each Moment 12:30 - Lunch 1:00 - Full Scholastic Lectio Divina Experience with Discussion 1:45 - Conference IV - Becoming a Word of God 2:15 - Questions and Answers 2:30 - Break 2:45 - Monastic Method review and Group Monastic Lectio Divina Experience 3:15 - Group Sharing and Debrief of the Day 3:30 - Closing Prayer, Collect Evaluations and Departure Presented by: Mike Smoolca, an experienced contemplative prayer practitioner, is Coordinator of the Connecticut Chapter of Contemplative Outreach, a Centering Prayer facilitator, a Commissioned Contemplative Outreach presenter and student of Contemplative practices. Mike is a Spiritual Director and experienced Contemplative workshop facilitator and speaker. He is the Coordinator of the Northern CT Chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society and is active in several Parish ministries at St Mary's Church in Simsbury. Nancy Stimac, a long time contemplative prayer practitioner, is a Centering Prayer facilitator and Commissioned Presenter of Centering Prayer for Contemplative Outreach and a membership of the Contemplative Outreach of CT Leadership Team. Nancy is a graduate of the Archdiocese of Hartford Catholic Bible School and Lay Ministry programs. She uses her gifts to serve the Catholic Community of Windsor Locks as a prayer group facilitator, Bible study leader, RCIA teacher, lector, and evangelization team and parish council member. To register contact Nancy Stimac 860-683-4490, text 860-967-7833, email [email protected] or simply Register below. Light Snacks will be available but please bring your own Brown Bag Lunch. A Free Will Offering is appreciated. |
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